Creations Experiences Satire and Humor

The Tell-Tale Parking Spot: A Southern Methodist Gothic


Thank you for your order of $330.00. An email will be sent to you for your records. 

Purchase of a permit does not guarantee space. Parking is first come, first serve.

Purchase of a permit does not guarantee space.

Does not guarantee space.

Not guarantee space.


The words echo in your mind as you circle the university,

Looking for parking. 


You arrived over an hour early to your class,

Plenty of time—

One would think. 


You curve up Binkley,

Then down again,

Wind your way up Moody

Without success.


Back and forth 

Through the rows of the commuter lot,

You see an empty spot and floor it.


Someone squeals into the spot,

Inches from your car. 

You contemplate violence, 

Wondering if your car could just drive over

Their nice, shiny paint job. 


You spiral around Airline, 

Determined not to leave without a spot.

Spiraling into despair 

As you see your class time

Tick tick tick

Closer, closer, past.


You text someone in your class

that you can’t find parking;

they tell you to park in the neighborhood.

You stop at the curb,

an ominous sign hanging above you:


Resident Parking ONLY


8am To 5pm.

You exit the dark omen’s forbidding shadow. 


As you circle SMU, 

you see an empty lot.

It’s forbidden to you:

Faculty Only.


You diligently try each parking lot again. 

What’s that?

An empty space?

You rush toward it. 


It’s a motorcycle.

Your class started an hour ago;

You’re now missing your next class.


You briefly consider

Trying to share the space. 


You hurry through the various lots;

you hear a crunch, a crash, a curse—

an accident behind you 

in the tight twists of Binkley.

You leave your fallen comrades behind,

hoping for less competition. 


Even the paid parking is full. 

You contemplate parking on the grass;

RGT can turn your car into a fountain. 


You’ve now spent twice the cost of the parking pass 

in gas

looking for a space.


You finally spot 

someone with their lights on. 

Maybe they’re leaving?

You wait. You lurk.

They slowly reverse.


You found a space!


You look out your window;

it’s dark outside.

All your classes are over.

You drive home.


Photo Credit: Tom Rodgers at the SMU Daily Campus,